Monday, February 24, 2020

Harlequins: Making It Work

Chopping up yo faces.

So.. my last post about Harlequins might have been a little too negative.  Don't worry though, just because I'm talking real sometimes doesn't mean I'm going to give up.  You guys have to remember that even though I'm a competitive player, I'm not WAAC.  Think about it:  I've been playing pure Kabal Dark Eldar since 3rd.  I have never owned a single Coven unit because I don't like the playstyle and I despise the fluff.  So what does this mean?  That means that I'm going to be playing boatloads of Harlequins and trying to get them to work on the table.

I've been constructing a lot of lists in the last couple of days with the new book and I've had a lot of thought experiments.  Here are some of the topics that I've thought about the most the last couple of days:
  • How viable is Harlequins as a standalone army?  They're so expensive and it's really difficult to get them to work from a raw points-effectiveness standpoint.  The more Harlequins you take, the less other "good stuff" you can take from allies.
  • Speaking of allies:  What makes a good ally for Harlequins?  Do you take them with Eldar or do you take them with Dark Eldar?  What about both?  Do you even have enough points to take both?
  • There are a TON of Strategems that I think Harlequins generally depend on.  Your model count is low, so you really need to spend CP on them every chance you get to make them worth it.  I think Harlequins might be one of the most CP-heavy armies in the entire game from what I've seen.
  • For my playstyle, I'm going to keep the army mechanized because I need to be able to preserve the fragile assault units inside while delivering them across the table.  However, I did think about big units of Troupes a few times because of all the overlapping and stacking buffs.
  • What is the best Form that I should take with my army?  I'm mainly thinking about Soaring Spite right now because my forces are mostly mechanized, but I'm also eyeing Frozen Stars for damage, Midnight Sorrow for tieing things up, and Silent Shroud for practicality with Eldar shenanigans.
  • I'm still working on the best layout for my Troupes, mainly because I'm focusing on 3 key design principles:  The Form matters, but cost-effective units matter more.  The Troupe must be able to be a melee threat to all targets.  The first Fusion Pistol is a must, the rest is luxury.

With that said, I got started working on some basic list principles:
  • Build with as much CP as possible because you should be using Harlequin Stratagems at every chance to keep the army alive.  This means double-Bat is a must-have.
  • Build with some kind of Black Heart so you can bring in Cunning and introduce Vect so you can repress enemy bull-shittery while having a CP-farm on your side.
  • Build as many threats as possible:  Keeping your Troupes alive so they can make a cost-effective return means you have to introduce some serious threats on your side of the table.
Should I take more Dark Eldar?

Here is the first list I came up with after some tweaking:

Soaring Heart
2000 // 13 CP

Soaring Spite Bat +5

Troupe Master, Caress, Fusion = 86
Troupe Master, Caress, Fusion = 86

5x Troupe, 5x Caress, 2x Fusion = 118
Starweaver = 99

5x Troupe, 5x Caress, 2x Fusion = 118
Starweaver = 99

5x Troupe, 5x Caress, 2x Fusion = 118
Starweaver = 99

Solitaire = 98


Black Heart Bat +5

Archon, Agonizer, Blaster = 91
Cunning, Living Muse

Archon, Agonizer, Blaster = 91

5x Warriors, Blaster = 47
5x Warriors, Blaster = 47
5x Warriors, Blaster = 47
5x Warriors, Blaster = 47
5x Warriors, Blaster = 47
5x Warriors, Blaster = 47

Raider, Dissie = 80
Raider, Dissie = 80
Raider, Dissie = 80

Ravager, 3x Dissies = 125
Ravager, 3x Dissies = 125
Ravager, 3x Dissies = 125


12 Disintegrators at BS3+
24 Splinter Rifles at BS3+
6 Blasters at BS3+
2 Blasters at BS2+
6 Shuriken Cannons at BS3+
6 Fusion Pistols at BS3+
2 Fusion Pistols at BS2+

The list design here was really easy because I think all the right notes.  I originally had Razorwings in the army because I really like having some kind of air, but I didn't have enough boots on the ground for me to be truly influential.  When I first began army list construction, I noticed that I was hesitant to turn my Black Heart Spearhead into a Battalion.  I kept finding that second Archon as a bit of tax, but then I remembered just how many times I'm going to use Harlequin Strategems throughout the game.  While the firepower of the list looks pretty small, one can't remember the absolute monster that is Harlequins in melee once they get there.  With all 5 Players in a Troupe having 4 S5 AP-2 attacks, things are going to get all kinds of disgusting once you actually get in there.  To make things more exciting, I'm planning to make one of the Troupe Masters The Great Harlequin for that tasty re-roll 1s to Hit bubble.

Or should I take more Eldar?

Alaitoc Soaring Heart
1999 // 14 CP

Soaring Spite Bat +5

Troupe Master, Caress, Fusion = 86
Troupe Master, Caress, Fusion = 86

5x Troupe, 5x Caress, Fusion = 109
Starweaver = 99

5x Troupe, 5x Caress, Fusion = 109
Starweaver = 99

5x Troupe, 5x Caress, Fusion = 109
Starweaver = 99


Alaitoc Bat +5

Farseer Skyrunner = 135
Doom, Mind War

Warlock Skyrunner = 70

5x Rangers = 60
5x Rangers = 60
5x Rangers = 60

Crimson Hunter Ex, Lances = 175
Crimson Hunter Ex, Lances = 175


Black Heart Spearhead +1

Archon, Huskblade, Blaster = 93
Cunning, Living Muse

Ravager, 3x Dissies = 125
Ravager, 3x Dissies = 125
Ravager, 3x Dissies = 125


9 Disintegrators at BS3+
4 Bright Lances at BS2+
2 Pulse Laser at BS2+
6 Shuriken Cannons at BS3+
3 Fusion Pistols at BS3+
2 Fusion Pistols at BS2+
15 Ranger Long Rifle at BS3+

This one is a bit different and I might be stretching myself too thin.  I've already dropped the Solitaire (which hurts my heart greatly) to make room for some Eldar allies, while greatly decreasing the amount of DE I have in the army.  The Black Heart detachment has been reduced to a small footprint just for the CP farm and fire support, but I've introduced fighters back into the mix with 2x Crimson Hunter Exarchs to give some heavy lances while the Doomseer and Jinxlock go do their thing.  I still have Rangers to be backcap but otherwise, I find this list a bit light on boots on the ground.  Missions might also be a problem, which is why I'm slightly in favor of the first list.

Regardless of which list works out to be better, both lists have a sizeable Harlequin presence with a lot of melee pressure.  The Caress' across the entire army really puts out some good threat, as well as the 22" moving and shooting Shuriken Cannons and Fusion Pistols without BS penalty.  Hell, I even have a pet unit in the first list because I think the Solitaire is the coolest thing ever.  With CP/Ravager farms in both lists, Warrior/Blasters in the first list, and Crimson Hunters in the second, which list do you guys like better?

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Where Have The Players Been In Your Campaign?

Sit back and consider, for a moment, the contiguous land mass of the Russian nation. It's huge. Wikipedia says that area is 17,098,246 square kilometers. (6,601,670 sq mi) For comparison, a city block ranges from 0.0025 square miles to 0.01 square miles.

Britannica says that "Russia has a maximum east-west extent of some 5,600 miles (9,000 km) and a north-south width of 1,500 to 2,500 miles."

When I created the full Lands of Men hex map, I took a map of Russia and then folded, spindled and twisted the map to make something new, then put my campaign into it. When I started, I had 3 hexes. Now I have... well... this. (Click to embiggen)

The areas in red are where the PCs have been, with a total of about 6 years of play (counting a 4 year campaign interregnum, we've been doing this for ten years.)

The Eastern Borders campaign is my tabletop campaign. They've ranged the most, having gone up towards the Sithasten Mountains when they freed the Marshal's daughter from the Black Brotherhood. They've traveled east to Irecia, the lost Diamond City. They've gone south into the Southron Duchy, into the Nisangel Forests to journey deep into the depths of Tuluk. It "feels" like a lot, but there is so much more to see and do!

The Southern Seas campaign is my play-by-post campaign. Those guys have been at this particular go around for almost five years. In that time, they've covered about two hexes of area, but then the pace of play-by-post is slower. Still, they've been in the mountains near orc territory, and they've sailed to the island city of Ramathia!

The Western Borders campaign is my online Roll20/Discord campaign. They started in January of 2019. While they've had a few hexes of travel while going to a nearby town of Tannia, they've mainly been in one hex of area, seeking to clear the ancient ruins of Griffon's Keep from an advance warparty of orcs, goblins and evil priests. This lies near their homebase of Gireford, a small village.

In a way, this is really cool to see, as well as eye-opening. There's so much space! So many things to discover, to see, to explore. I honestly don't think that I'll live long enough to see all of the major cities visited by PCs, much less every hex explored. That's... crazy.

Anyway, though I'd share this as I think this is hella cool! What about your campaign? Where have your players been? How much have they explored? What else is left?

Thursday, February 20, 2020

CGDD4303 Educational And Serious Games Fall 2019 Showcase!

CGDD4303 Educational and Serious Games is taught by Dr. Joy Li.  The student project showcase was held on 12/9 night.  All projects were in collaboration with local educators, including instructors from local schools, Carter's Lake Museum, Augusta University Medicine School, etc.  The deliverables are game prototypes designed for educational purposes, including STEM education, museum visitings, or some interesting topics.  All collaborators including kids who participated in art design and playtesting stages were all invited to the showcase.  Some kids volunteered in student presentations to help demos.  Collaborators were all very happy and showed interest in collaborating again in the following semesters.

SIEGE 2019

Dr. Chao Mei presenting at SIEGE Kennesaw campus for the College Fair.  Mona and Joy running KSU exhibitor booth.  Check out more information about SIEGE 2019 program here.


So, it's been a while since I've posted something and that's down to a particularly busy August. But that hasn't stopped me rushing to fulfil my promise of at least 5 games per month. At the tail end of this very sunny Summer hols, why not go exploring a forgotten jungle using some shiny metal balls in 3D Ultra Pinball: The Lost Continent. Perhaps the cyberpunk stylings of the sci-fi adventure B.A.T. will satiate you. If not, try protecting a city of perpetual night from some warmongering invaders in the action-filled space sim Darker. If real life's getting you down, why not try a simulated one in SimLife - there's dragons in it! Lastly, chill with some friends and play some pool, Virtual Pool that is. Enjoy!

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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Division 2 Review (PS4)

Written by Anthony L. Cuaycong

TitleThe Division 2
Developer: Massive Entertainment
Publisher: Ubisoft
Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG
Price: $59.99
Also Available On: Steam, XB1

The launch of Tom Clancy's The Division in 2016 was met with great expectations. As an online role-playing game, it bore the expertise of developer Massive Entertainment, whose previous work in seeing Assassin's Creed: Revelations and Far Cry 3 through gave it the confidence to pledge the setting of new standards in multiplayer engagement. Needless to say, the assistance that it received from other Ubisoft subsidiaries, particularly Red Storm Entertainment, Ubisoft Reflections, and Ubisoft Annecy enabled it to meet its objectives, albeit not without growing pains.

The cutting-edge visuals, outstanding combat mechanics, and immersive setting of Tom Clancy's The Division shone from the outset, but Massive Entertainment still needed to scramble after it hit store shelves in order to address the glaring lack of content, frustrating capacity of enemies to absorb damage, paper-thin storyline, and significant technical glitches that all detracted from the overall experience. That said, it bore such promise, and met said promise soon enough, that it went on to become Ubisoft's best-selling title of all time, generating revenues north of $300 million worldwide and, in the process, ensuring the release of a sequel.

Parenthetically, Tom Clancy's The Division 2 picks up from where its predecessor left off, following the narrative seven months after events showing the devastation the release of Green Poison, a reengineered strain of smallpox, wreaked upon New York. This time, however, Washington serves as the backdrop for its progression, with the White House used by the Joint Task Force as base of operations. Gamers assume the role of an agent of the Strategic Homeland Division and help keep as much order as possible within the chaos created by a de facto civil war.

Outside of the plot, which remains paper thin, Tom Clancy's The Division 2 proves superior to its predecessor in all aspects. It certainly hits the ground running, presenting the District of Columbia as a near-perfect facsimile of its real-life representation and providing gamers with open-world choices within rewarding mission structures. Combat is straightforward, if challenging; stealth and precision marked by care are keys to survival, whether going solo or as part of groups, and regardless of the type of factions to which enemies of the moment belong. And, yes, the degrees of difficulty fluctuate, but, unlike the first offering, stay eminently fair. Thusly, a commitment to persevere prevails; failure is inevitable, but frustration does not set in because insight borne of experience does pay dividends.

In this regard, Tom Clancy's The Division 2 encourages the proper planning of skill upgrades, and in the context of group excursions. Meanwhile, skirmishes yield loot drops that expand equipment and weaponry. Side activities are offered in abundance, but invariably within the context of enriching story perspectives and stakes. For the more adventurous, there is the Dark Zone, where other gamers can and will be enemies — sometimes under the guise of collaboration. Within this area, a separate leveling regime is in place, and going rogue offers the opportunity to appreciate the challenges from the other side. In any case, the interactions underscore the sharpness with which player-versus-player scenarios are laid out.

Significantly, Tom Clancy's The Division 2 continues to receive programming support. A recent patch, for instance, enables loot targeting; map updates occur every day and show specific locations for specific gear. Moreover, it gives relevance to brand loyalty; in-game equipment makers now have items for all customizable slots, thus enabling access to bonuses. If nothing else, Ubisoft's commitment to keep tweaking the title long after release signifies sensitivity to feedback and dedication to process improvement. Future content updates promise map expansions, talent customization, and further understanding of the overarching narrative.

All told, Tom Clancy's The Division 2 keeps gamers going for more. If there's one thing developers have known to be harder than generating interest in their products, it's keeping said interest over time. Clearly, Massive Entertainment is bent on continually cultivating the interest, a decided boon in this day and age of infinite entertainment choices. Consumers are intrinsically fickle, and the sheer number of options available to them taps into this nature. Ubisoft is betting that quality breeds allegiance — and winning.

  • Superior to predecessor in all aspects
  • Combat is challenging but fair
  • Continued support encourages long-term commitment
  • Near-perfect representation of Washington, D.C.

  • Paper-thin plot
  • Absence of a narrative hook
  • Still subject to loot fatigue

RATING: 8.5/10

QA Gig At Adult Swim

Must be available to work full time, 40 hours per week
- Work with Production and Games Teams to create patch notes for launch cycles
- Test any new content/game launches to ensure that everything is working as intended
- Report defects and work with production, games team, and development to clarify and resolve any issues
- Guarantee that we are delivering the highest quality experience to our end users
Third Party Management
- Work with third party vendors, such as external testing vendors, to assist with on-going QA testing
- Create test plans
- Establish process for communicating any issues found
- Review all bugs that are reported and determine the validity of the bug

Those who are interested can send me an email with their resume to

Ready, Set, Go...

Sunday, February 16, 2020

kanada yazılım iş ilanları

iş hayatınızda bir sonraki adımı bulmak amacıyla çevrimiçi şekilde onbinlerce iş ilanını bulabilirsiniz. ilan bulma araçları, cv ler, şirket incelemeleri ve daha fazlasıyla, her süreçte yanınızdayız. bu site iş olanakları ve önerileri için en bilinen kaynaktır. kariyer kaynaklarına, kişiselleştirilmiş maaş araçlarına ve fikirlere erişin. Hayalinizdeki işi şimdi bulun! sitemiz iş ve kariyer fırsatları için kaynağınızdır. İş ilanlarını inceleyin, sitemizin meslek uzmanlarından iş önerisi alın ve işe alım fikirleri bulun. sitede Türkiye üzerinde meslek imkanları arayın. Meslek kategorisi, şehir, firma ve daha fazlasına göre göz atın. CVnizi yollayın. Başlangıç mertebesinden yönetici pozisyonlarına kadar ülkedeki tüm yeni iş ilanlarını bulun. Konuma, sektöre ve ya kuruluşa göre göz atın. Kendinize uyan doğru işi listeleyin ve bir iş oluşturun. sitemiz iş bulma sayfasını kullanarak sahalarınızda iş personeli arayan işleri arayın - meslek edinmenin en efektif yolu. Size en yakın iş bulmak ve yalnız 1 tıklama ile başvurun. Çevrenizdeki yakın şirketler yönünden gönderilen en son meslek ilanlarını listeleyin ve göz atın. İş bulma sitemiz üzerinden doğrudan ilan sahipleriyle iletişim kurun. alttaki linklerle iş arama meselesi için bilgilenin. Web de binlerce meslek sitesi var, ancak en etkili iş firmaları ve iş inceleme siteleri, kullanması problemlidir, seri ve kolay yöntemlere şimdi ulaşın.
kanada yazılım iş ilanları konusunda ve yurtdışı iş ilanları ile ilgili buradan bilgi alabilirsiniz. UdW0qkAj5v

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Brave Browser the Best privacy-focused product of 2020

Out of all the privacy-focused products and apps available on the market, Brave has been voted the best. Other winners of Product Hunt's Golden Kitty awards showed that there was a huge interest in privacy-enhancing products and apps such as chats, maps, and other collaboration tools.

An extremely productive year for Brave

Last year has been a pivotal one for the crypto industry, but few companies managed to see the kind of success Brave did. Almost every day of the year has been packed witch action, as the company managed to officially launch its browser, get its Basic Attention Token out, and onboard hundreds of thousands of verified publishers on its rewards platform.

Luckily, the effort Brave has been putting into its product hasn't gone unnoticed.

The company's revolutionary browser has been voted the best privacy-focused product of 2019, for which it received a Golden Kitty award. The awards, hosted by Product Hunt, were given to the most popular products across 23 different product categories.

Ryan Hoover, the founder of Product Hunt said:

"Our annual Golden Kitty awards celebrate all the great products that makers have launched throughout the year"

Brave's win is important for the company—with this year seeing the most user votes ever, it's a clear indicator of the browser's rapidly rising popularity.

Privacy and blockchain are the strongest forces in tech right now

If reaching 10 million monthly active users in December was Brave's crown achievement, then the Product Hunt award was the cherry on top.

The recognition Brave got from Product Hunt users shows that a market for privacy-focused apps is thriving. All of the apps and products that got a Golden Kitty award from Product Hunt users focused heavily on data protection. Everything from automatic investment apps and remote collaboration tools to smart home products emphasized their privacy.

AI and machine learning rose as another note-worthy trend, but blockchain seemed to be the most dominating force in app development. Blockchain-based messaging apps and maps were hugely popular with Product Hunt users, who seem to value innovation and security.

For those users, Brave is a perfect platform. The company's research and development team has recently debuted its privacy-preserving distributed VPN, which could potentially bring even more security to the user than its already existing Tor extension.

Brave's effort to revolutionize the advertising industry has also been recognized by some of the biggest names in publishing—major publications such as The Washington Post, The Guardian, NDTV, NPR, and Qz have all joined the platform. Some of the highest-ranking websites in the world, including Wikipedia, WikiHow, Vimeo, Internet Archive, and DuckDuckGo, are also among Brave's 390,000 verified publishers.

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Saturday, February 8, 2020

hollanda turkce is ilanlari

kariyerinizde bir sonraki adımı bulmak için çevrimiçi olarak onbinlerce iş ilanını arayabilirsiniz. İş arama yöntemleri, özgeçmişler, kuruluş bilgileri ve daha fazlasıyla, her zaman sizinleyiz. bu site meslek olanakları ve fikirleri için en bilinen kaynaktır. kariyer kaynaklarına, kişiselleştirilmiş ücret araçlarına ve fikirlere erişin. İstediğiniz işi şimdi bulun! sitemiz meslek ve iş imkanları için kaynağınızdır. İş ilanlarını inceleyin, sitemizin meslek uzmanlarından kariyer önerisi alın ve işe alım teklifleri bulun. sitede ülke genelinde meslek imkanları bulun. İş kategorisi, şehir, firma ve daha fazlasına göre göz atın. Özgeçmişinizi yollayın. Başlangıç mertebesinden yönetici pozisyonlarına kadar Türkiyedeki tüm yeni iş ilanlarını keşfedin. Şehre, sektöre veya kuruluşa göre inceleyin. Size uyan doğru iş ilanını görün ve bir iş başvurusu yapın. sitemiz iş arama motorunu kullanarak alanlarınızda iş personeli araştıran işleri bulun - meslek bulmanın en efektif yöntemi. Size en yakın meslek bulabilmek ve yalnız bir tıklama ile başvurun. Çevrenizdeki yakın firmalar tarafından girilen en güncel iş ilanlarını arayın ve inceleyin. İş bulma motoru üzerinden direkt ilan verenlerle bağlantı kurun. Aşağıdaki linklerle iş bulma konusu için bilgi edinin. İnternette yüzlerce iş sayfası mevcut, lakin en güvenilir meslek kurulları ve iş inceleme sayfaları, kullanımı problemlidir, seri ve basit araçlara şimdi ulaşın.
hollanda turkce is ilanlari konusunda ve yurtdışı iş ilanları ile ilgili buradan bilgi alabilirsiniz. UdW0qkAj5v

abd asci is ilanlari

iş hayatınızda bir sonraki adımı edinebilmek için online olarak yüzlerce işi arayabilirsiniz. ilan bulma motoru, cv ler, firma incelemeleri ve diğer bilgilerle, her süreçte yanınızdayız. bu site meslek imkanları ve fikirleri için en bilinen kaynaktır. kariyer kaynaklarına, kişiselleştirilmiş kazanç araçlarına ve fikirlere erişin. İstediğiniz işi hemen bulun! sitemiz meslek ve iş fırsatları için kaynağınızdır. İş bakın, sitemizin iş personellerinden iş önerisi alın ve işe alım teklifleri bulun. sitede yurt üzerinde iş fırsatları arayın. Meslek kategorisi, şehir, işveren ve daha fazlasına göre arama yapın. Özgeçmişinizi yollayın. Giriş mertebesinden müdür pozisyonlarına kadar ülkedeki bütün yeni işleri keşfedin. Bölgeye, sektöre ve ya kuruluşa göre bulun. Size uygun doğru iş ilanını listeleyin ve bir iş başlatın. sitemiz meslek bulma sayfasını kullanarak bölgenizde iş elemanı arayan iş ilanlarını bulun - meslek bulmanın en iyi yöntemi. Size en yakın iş bulabilmek ve yalnız tek adımda ulaşın. Bölgenizdeki yakın firmalar tarafından eklenen en son meslek ilanlarını bulun ve göz atın. İş inceleme sayfamız üstünden direkt ilan verenlerle iletişime geçin. alttaki bağlantılarla meslek bulma hakkında bilgi alın. İnternette yüzlerce iş sayfası mevcut, fakat en kaliteli meslek işletmeleri ve meslek inceleme sayfaları, kullanımı yorucu olabilir, çabuk ve kolay araçlara şimdi erişin.
abd asci is ilanlari konusunda ve yurtdışı iş ilanları ile ilgili buradan bilgi alabilirsiniz. UdW0qkAj5v

Sunday, February 2, 2020

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